Apr 3, 2009

Lamest Superpower Ever

Evidently I have a superpower. But be prepared, it's a lame one. Are you ready?

I discovered today that I evidently make the ceilings leak nasty water. That's right. Jealous, aren't you?

Third time this has happened to me. I'm just doing my thing (twice it's been showering, this time it was coming home from a lovely walk (which, by the way, was a-mazing!)), enjoying life, when lo and behold, my superpower manifests itself without my knowledge or consent! Water dripping/pouring from the ceiling! And this isn't filtered Brita water. Not even Cedar-Lake-brackish water. No. This is either nasty-someone-else's-shower-water, or I-don't-know-if-that-should-be-that-shade-of-yellow-and-I'm-a-little-grossed-out-that-it-is water. Evidently I bring out all the best in the plumbing around me.

Now to figure out how to solve crime with my "gift."

(Alright. I concede. Maybe it's not a superpower. But still. . .)


Emily Grace said...

Excited to see you tomorrow. But, I might request that you remain outside of my house. Thank you.

Laura said...

I think your superpower is using hyphens.

Anonymous said...

This is VERY unfortunate!! I don't think I would be willing to claim this as a "superpower!" A call to the landlord perhaps??


philthecarl said...

WOW! That's a huge bummer...and gross. Sometimes it helps me in situations like this to think, "it could be worse." So, the next time I have something bad happen to me, I'm going to think, "It could be worse. I could have nasty water dripping on my inside my house!" You've encouraged me to be thankful. Perhaps that's your superpower...