Apr 14, 2009

Nature vs. Nurture

It's amazing to me how quickly I can fall into sin.

At work today, I was thinking about what it means to have a sin nature. And though I've heard those words together for most of my life, I have not thought about what they mean together.

It's natural for us fallen humans to sin. We cannot help it. It's a part of our very nature. When we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit, we are no longer enslaved to that sin nature, but until our bodies have died, we will not be rid of its effects - namely, that even though our hearts often intend well, we frequently sin without even thinking about it.

Take selfishness as an example. How easy is it to think only of yourself without even intending to do so? In fact, I would argue that we have to intend to be unselfish in order for it to come about. It's simply not our nature.

But thank goodness we have an infinitely gracious Savior who does not reach a point where He says, "That's too many sins. Your sin nature is just too strong. You're out." Thank goodness that He nurtures us and gives us grace and humility to repent of our sin nature. Even though it's overwhelming, I have to remember that I can't stop trying to be rid of sin, and I can't stop asking for forgiveness when I do sin.


abigail said...

I'm enjoying looking through your blog Warren!

I was thinking about this post.. that even the awareness of the sin nature is an incredible gift of grace from God.. and even evidence for the Christian that they belong to Christ.

Many go along unaware of their sin and therefore unaware or disdainful of Christ.. because why would they need a Savior, they're just fine.

"It's not the well who need a doctor, but the sick." "Christ did not call the righteous, but sinners to repentance," and "there is none righteous, no not one." I'm thanking God with you for a continual and growing awareness of my sin nature. It makes Jesus sacrifice more precious and beautiful.

philthecarl said...

amen brother!