Happy Nigerian Independence Day, everyone! And Happy 49th Birthday, Nigeria!
It's nothing like July 4th.
Nothing changes. Life goes on as usual. Evidently the government workers have the day off as do schools, but other than that, it just is like a normal Saturday here. Stands at the market are open. The "mechanics" outside the school compound are still fixing broken cars and motorcycles. Evidently there were some marching bands that played somewhere, but I couldn't figure out where.
The weird part about today is that I haven't really done anything. I read for a long time and rested, but I didn't really do anything. Oh well. I haven't had too many days like that since I've been here, so I guess I can allow myself one now.
I'll be sending out an email update tomorrow or the next day about what has gone on these last few weeks.
i can think of one thing you did today...you skyped (somewhat successfully) with me! (which was good, except that i realized there were like 20,000 things i meant to ask you and didn't...)
We're celebrating Nigerian independence day today on campus! We celebrate everyone's* independence day on or around the actual date...with a flag raising ceremony (with national anthems and the whole bit) and then later on a mini-reception that may have national food, games, q&a, etc.
*By everyone I mean the countries that are represented on campus. We have students from Nigeria, so we celebrate their independence.
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